1.Tea For Two(Vincent Youmans)3:00
2.(Back Home Again In) Indiana(James F. Hanley)4:31
3.Shine (aka S-H-I-N-E)(Ford Dabney)11:11


Citations #2 / Quotations #2

français / english

Harry James:
"[Ronnie Singer] est le meilleur guitariste que j'aie jamais entendu."

Lou Levy:
"[Ronnie Singer] est une des grandes pertes... Il aurait été un des plus grands de tous les temps."

Harry James:
"[Ronnie Singer] is the best guitarist I ever heard."

Lou Levy:
"[Ronnie Singer] was one of the great losses... He would have been one of the all-time greats."

2 commentaires:

  1. Since we've heard from Ronnie Singer's sister - would she not be able to establish the exact dates/place of his birth and death?
    Helmut Schwarzer
    Newbury, NH

  2. Her sister told me his birthday was June 9, 1928 — I assume he was born in Chicago. As for the the date of death, it was probably circa 1952 (as he was 24), in New York. I didn't reach her for a long time now, but I know an article will be published thanks to Axel Hagen, so we'll know that soon.
